KCOM Executive
President:Chad Fedorychka
Vice President/Risk Manager: Aaron Skiftun
Past President: Mike Cole
Secretary: Trevis McConagy
Registrar: Tyler Blair
Director 1: Blake Veinot
Melfort Kinsmen General Membership
Derek Erickson
Morgan Leigh
Dave Baker
Trevor Peterson
Ryan Heavin
Life Members
Trent Fedorychka
Moe Lacroix
Presidents Message
The Melfort Kinsmen are a diversified group of gentlemen that meet the first Monday and last Friday of each month at the Kin Lodge in Melfort. Our mission is to serve our communities greatest needs and has been since 1947. We have been involved in many different projects throughout the years. Some of projects include the enhancing our green spaces, building parks, collaborating with other groups to see larger projects come to fruition just to name a few. We have also hosted numerous fundraisers throughout the years which we could not do without the help of our local Kinette club of Melfort. If you are interested in making a difference in your community while making lasting friendships and having fun, please reach out to us.
Chad Fedorychka
Melfort Kinsmen President 2023-2024